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Take the guesswork out of teamwork

Belbin helps you develop your people, attract and retain talent, and turbo-charge your teams.

Our gold-standard, research-based team tool unleashes individual potential and helps people work smarter together, empowering you towards higher team performance.

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We speak your team's language

Our reports deliver tailored behavioural insights and guidance based on our world-renowned Team Role methodology.

Discover your own strengths – and those present in your team. Learn how to cultivate latent talents, collaborate more effectively and manage working relationships. 

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Belbin starts with the team

Psychometric tests ask people about their own personality.

The problem is, that can be wishful thinking that doesn't reflect reality. Or drive business performance.

Belbin is different. We measure behaviour - what's really happening on the ground. We start with the team. And we gather feedback from the whole team, giving managers practical results they can rely – and act – on.

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Meredith Belbin Partner Belbin

The gold-standard team tool

Our Team Role methodology is steeped in decades of research. Our founder, Dr Meredith Belbin, began studying what makes teams tick over fifty years ago.

We want to share that wealth of knowledge and experience with you and your team.

"I think we've always been striving to find a way of helping people to work together. When people work in effective combinations they achieve so much more than when they're working alone. But to do that, we need a language, and it needs to be a language which is shared and enables people to communicate with one another." – Dr Belbin

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Case study

Driving business performance improvements with Xerox

Discover how Xerox used Belbin to manage conflict and optimise communication in a virtual, international project team

Read the case study

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