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The language of Belbin Team Roles is used in organisations world-wide. We have official Distributors who have used the theory and reports for many years to help make individuals, teams and organisations more effective.

If you can't find the country you are looking for, please do get in touch!

All Belbin Distributors and Regional Representatives are officially accredited by Belbin UK (Head Office) and have undergone an extensive period of training. They have also proven their expertise by successfully implementing the Belbin methodology with clients, time and time again.

If you would like to join our Global brand, please contact us for a copy of our Distributor and Regional Representative Policy.

Jorge Figueroa, Analida Coronell and Mayerly Anaya from PSA Consultores.

Tuula Laitinen and Hanna Saraketo

Wibke Klipfel, Thorsten Kiefer, Julia Licht, and Dr Bernd Wildenmann.


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We have two representatives in India: Pearl and Leslie D'Souza - PrePearl & Ravi Sundaram - CERT India

Taher Atash Sarv - Daniyar Modiriat Farazan

Belbin Italy

Nicola Naddi

From left to right: Rob Sleddens, Marko Schulten, Rob Groen and Kees Cuperus

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Belbin NZ & Pacific

Candice Collier, Leadership Solutions Limited.


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Lukasz Lis & Beata Jacak-Drabik & Tomasz Knitter - Benefactor

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Providing Belbin reports in the Russian language

Tanya Runge - Team and I